Nurturing Intuitive Eaters
In today's fast-paced world filled with fad diets and conflicting nutrition advice, it's easy to lose sight of the most fundamental aspect of eating: listening to our bodies. Intuitive eating emphasizes tuning into our body's hunger and fullness cues to guide our eating habits (in the very simplest sense - it’s more complicated than just hunger and fullness, though). But did you know that intuitive eating isn't just for adults? It's a powerful approach that can profoundly impact children's relationship with food and their overall well-being.
Quick story, before we dive into more... When I was at a family gathering last weekend, I found myself a bit on edge when my 4 year old grabbed her 5th or 6th cookie and also had a handful of candy whilst running around and playing roughly with her cousins. Admittedly, I was letting the kids graze and everything was available to them on the table, but I did want them to eat something more substantial and wanted her to eat safely. In front of others, I said “Greta, how about we get a plate of some other food and sit down to eat”. My sister, challenging me, said “well, aren’t you letting her eat intuitively?”. The short answer is: No - letting our kids have free access to food, without structure, is NOT supportive of Intuitive Eating. We can come back to this example another time to get into more detail, but it did give me the inspiration to (finally) put out a short course to help parents and caregivers learn about how to nurture intuitive eaters (read on, friends).
So, let's explore the foundational principles of intuitive eating for children and understand how cultivating a positive food relationship from an early age lays the groundwork for lifelong healthy eating habits.
Understanding Intuitive Eating Principles:
Intuitive eating is grounded in ten principles designed to reestablish the connection between individuals and their bodies, fostering trust in internal cues for hunger, fullness, and satisfaction. While adults often embark on a journey of relearning intuitive eating after years of societal influence, children are inherently intuitive eaters from birth. However, societal pressures and diet culture can obscure this innate ability, necessitating guidance from caregivers to nurture intuitive eating habits.
Fostering a Positive Food Relationship:
A negative relationship with food can lead to a plethora of issues, including disordered eating habits and body dissatisfaction. Imagine the mental and emotional toll of constantly striving to change your body or feeling guilty for enjoying certain foods. By eradicating food stigma, avoiding labeling foods as "good" or "bad," and promoting a balanced approach to eating, we can bestow upon our children the gift of a healthy attitude towards food, free from guilt or shame. Just imagine how much time, energy, and money can be spent elsewhere if they aren’t enveloped in diet and beauty culture as we have been!
Creating a Supportive Food Environment at Home:
The home environment plays a pivotal role in shaping children's eating habits. Establishing structured meal times, involving children in meal preparation, and offering a diverse array of nutritious foods cultivate routine and security. As caregivers, we play a crucial role in guiding the "what," "when," and "where" of eating, while allowing children autonomy in deciding "how much" and "whether" from the options provided. This is called the Mealtime Division of Responsibility and, along with responsive feeding, is one of our most powerful guidelines to help nurture intuitive eaters.
Sneak Peek into the Benefits of Intuitive Eating for Children:
The benefits of intuitive eating for children are far-reaching. From a healthier relationship with food and reduced risk of eating disorders to improved mental health and resilience against peer pressure, intuitive eating empowers children to make informed food choices and embrace their bodies with confidence.
In nurturing intuitive eaters, we equip children with the tools they need to develop a positive relationship with food, their bodies, and themselves. By prioritizing intuitive eating principles, we lay the groundwork for a lifetime of health, happiness, and well-being.
Want to delve deeper into this topic? Keep an eye out for upcoming blog posts and emails on nurturing intuitive eaters. Plus, don't forget to mark your calendar for my virtual webinar on March 11th at 8 pm CST. Waitlisters receive $10 off and priority registration (click here)! Together, let's embark on a journey to create a future where every child embraces a positive relationship with food and body.