Mindful Munchkins COnsults

Empowering Parents to Create Happy, Healthy Eaters

Personalized support to help you transform
mealtime struggles into joyful family moments

Hey Parents!

Are you overwhelmed by your child's eating habits? Do you find yourself battling with picky eating, tantrums, food fears, or a lack of structure around mealtimes? As a dietitian, mama, and toddler feeding coach, I understand the challenges you're facing. I'm here to help you bring peace and enjoyment back to your dinner table.

Mindful Munchkins Consults are designed to help you navigate common feeding challenges with your children aged 2-10.

Through personalized guidance, we’ll work together to:

Expand your child's food preferences and reduce picky eating.

Address sensory sensitivities and make fruits and vegetables more appealing.

Turn mealtime tantrums into calm, positive experiences.

Create structured meal and snack routines that support healthy eating habits.

Break free from unhelpful eating patterns and establish healthier practices.

Common Struggles We Address

Picky Eating
Does your child refuse to eat anything other than a few select foods? Do they constantly complain about what’s being served? Let's work together to expand their palate and reduce mealtime stress.

Food Obsessions
Are there certain foods your child is obsessed with, making you worry about their health? We'll develop balanced eating habits and introduce a variety of nutritious options.

Vegetable & Fruit Aversion
Are fruits or vegetables always left untouched on your child’s plate? We can explore creative strategies to make these foods more appealing and enjoyable for them.

Mealtime Tantrums
Are tantrums a regular occurrence during meals, turning family dinners into a battleground? I'll provide techniques to create a calmer, more positive mealtime atmosphere.

Snacking All Day
Is your child grazing all day, making it hard to establish structured meals? Together, we'll set up a meal and snack schedule that supports healthy eating patterns.

Stuck in Eating Patterns
Do you feel stuck in certain eating patterns and don’t know where to start changing them? I’ll help you break free from unhelpful routines and establish healthier, more flexible mealtime practices.

Mealtime Battles
Are power struggles over what and how much to eat draining your energy? We'll develop a cooperative approach to mealtimes that encourages your child to try new foods willingly.

By addressing these common feeding challenges in our 1:1 consults, we’ll create a positive and stress-free feeding environment that promotes your child's healthy growth and development. 

What’s included

With my expertise and personal experience as both a professional dietitian and a mama, I offer personalized 1:1 consultations to help you develop effective strategies tailored to your family's unique needs. Here's what you can expect:

Initial 60-Minute Virtual Consultation

During this session, we'll dive deep into your specific challenges and goals. Both parents or caregivers are encouraged to join to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Customized 2-Week
Strategy Plan

Based on our consultation, I will create a personalized PDF handout for you. This plan includes clear goals, practical tools and scripts, and educational resources (including access to my digital trainings) to help you achieve the structured eating pattern that works for your family.

Follow-Up Session

Two weeks after our initial meeting, we’ll have a follow-up visit to review progress, address any new issues, and adjust the plan as needed.


For two weeks between our sessions, you’ll have access to me via Voxer (voice messaging), chat, or text for ongoing support and troubleshooting.

Hi, I’m Sammie.

I’m a Registered Dietitian with a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition with over ten years of experience in individual counseling, public health, group coaching, and program development. Here’s why I think Mindful Munchkins is great:

Expertise & Experience: As a qualified dietitian and a mama, I bring both professional knowledge and personal empathy to our consultations.

Stress-Free Mealtimes: My goal is to remove the pressure and stress from mealtimes, making them enjoyable for both you and your child.

Personalized Approach: Every family is unique. My strategies are customized to fit your specific situation and goals.

Support Every Step of the Way: From our initial consultation to follow-up and continuous support, I am dedicated to helping you succeed.

The Investment

For a comprehensive package that includes a 60-minute consultation, a customized strategy plan, a 30-minute follow-up, and two weeks of continuous support, the total cost is just $297.

Ready to bring peace and enjoyment back to your dinner table?

Book your consultation today and take the first step towards stress-free, structured, and enjoyable mealtimes for your family.