The Anti-Diet Mama Signature Offer

Embrace & Empower: The Nourish & Nurture Program

Intuitive Eating Mama Edition

A personalized journey towards intuitive eating, balanced blood sugars, and a positive body image.

Reclaim Your Relationship with Food

Transform Your Body Image

Set a Powerful Example for Your Children

Are you ready to reclaim your relationship with food, transform your body image, and set a powerful example for your children? Welcome to my Signature Nutrition Coaching Program – a combination of one-on-one sessions and self-paced courses to support your journey towards health and confidence.

What's Included

  • 1 Initial Assessment Session

  • 5 Follow-Up Sessions

  • Regular check-ins between sessions

  • Anti Diet Mama Course (lifetime access)

  • The Course Workbook with Journaling Questions and Habit Trackers (physical copy)

In this program, we delve deep into the core principles of the Anti Diet Mama Course, empowering you with tools and strategies to nurture intuitive eating, balance blood sugars, find mindful movement, create satisfying meals, and overcome emotional or binge eating. With a physical workbook in hand, each session is structured to provide you with actionable items that reinforce our goals and accelerate your progress.

Our Focus Areas

Intuitive Eating

Balanced Blood Sugars

Creating Nourishing Meals

Overcoming Emotional / Binge Eating

Improving Body Image

Raising Intuitive Eaters with Body Confidence

Through our collaborative sessions, you'll experience a significant shift in your mental load, paving the way for a more harmonious relationship with food and body. Nutrition decisions become clearer, healthy habits naturally integrate into your lifestyle, and confidence in your choices blossoms as we uncover the true intentions behind health-promoting behaviors.

Thought Work & Body Acceptance

Our journey isn't just about food and nutrition – it's also about thought work. Together, we'll cultivate self-compassion, challenge negative beliefs around food and body, and foster a deep sense of body kindness and acceptance. With my guidance, you'll develop a closer connection to your body, paving the way for lasting body respect and appreciation.

What People Are Saying

“The thing I liked most about the Anti-Diet Mama Course was the compassionate tone. This was critical for me, as I have been avoiding examining my relationship with food and body for so long because it did not feel safe. I was worried about falling back into disordered habits or feeling awful about myself. Something about the way Sammie presents all of this and the way she holds it so gently allowed me to shed all or nothing thinking that I have carried around with me for the last three decades. Truly, this was a life-changing experience for me. This course has so much content and science and concrete ranges without being numbers obsessed or dry. It is so digestible and actionable. This is everything I needed to take better care of myself, to see where I’m doing a great job, to shift a few things for my family, and to feel deserving of care and nourishment. 10/10 recommend.”


“I have followed a lot of "intuitive eating for moms" type accounts on Instagram over the years. With every single other account, they have tried to sell me a "program" or a "group" that feels like just another version of the paid diet programs we have all been apart of over the years. There is just a tone and gimmicky-ness to it that I do not like (but do find myself getting sucked into!). In comparison, Sammie's course has felt like a breath of fresh air. She passes on her wealth of knowledge in a way that really meets me at my preferences for learning--professional, yet compassionate. She has a breadth of knowledge, and shares it in a way that is accessible without being patronizing. And, she is very purposeful in talking about different types of privilege in a really refreshing way.”


“After taking this course I spend less mental energy on my negative body image, weight focused thoughts, and labeling food as good or bad. Being a Mom is hard work and I was making it harder on myself. I feel like this course equipped me with tools and strategies to think and feel better but myself and my relationship with good. I feel lighter, happier and more focused on the great things in my life.”


Expected Outcomes

  • Improve your energy levels

  • Decrease mental load

  • Reduce stress around food choices for you and your family

  • Improve body image

  • Improve ability to listen to and respond to your body’s signals

  • Improve overall health, relationship with movement, sleep quality, digestion, relationship with food, and body satisfaction

What's Included

1 Initial Assessment Session

Valued at $225

5 Follow-Up Sessions + Regular Check-ins

Valued at $745

Anti-Diet Mama Course

Valued at $197

Workbook with Journaling Prompts & Habit Trackers

Valued at $50

Total Value $1,217

Option 1

Join with a single payment of $1095

Option 2

Join with three payments of $380

Begin Your Journey in 3 Easy Steps


Connect with Me

Fill out the contact form for a free 20-minute consultation. We'll discuss your needs and ensure our values and philosophies align to help you achieve your goals.


Receive Personalized Guidance

We'll meet every other week (or so) to create a customized plan tailored to your health goals while improving your relationship with your body. You'll receive expert education and advice, compassion, and support throughout the process.


Achieve Your Transformation

With my guidance and your dedication, you'll gain insights and apply our work to your daily life in a sustainable way. You'll feel lighter, more energized and confident in modeling intuitive eating and body confidence to your children!

What People Are Saying

“Before I started working with Sammie I was stuck in a belief system that didn't serve me. Every thought I had was about weight and food. Sammie helped me release some of that mental load and gain a new appreciation for my body. Her kind words and counseling helped me make a seismic shift in my mindset and perspective. I feel free of my past worries. The journey to body acceptance and intuitive eating is a long one, and I am just at the beginning. Without Sammie, I don't think I would have ever started.”


“The work I did with Sammie in 2021 has been key to healthier life for me. My relationship with food drastically improved and I no longer obsess and binge eat. I listen to and respect my body and nurture it and do daily movement for good mood and sleep. I reached out to Sammie again in 2023 to work on my relationship with body image. Even though I was intuitive eater and improved my relationship with food I found that I still struggled with accepting my body at this size. Again after few session with Sammie my relationship and thoughts towards my body improved. I will always be grateful for Sammie and work we did in those sessions. She played an instrumental role in me living healthier life. I would recommend Sammie to anyone who is looking to be done feeling tired, exhausted, beat down by diet culture, and just wants to be at peace with food and their bodies. ❤️❤️❤️”


“Since doing this course, I am nourishing my body more, and I have so much energy. I didn’t realize how under nourished I was. I feel more relaxed about feeding my family and more at peace with my body than I have since I was a teenager. I feel more confident than ever and feeding myself and my family. Sammie is a gift and her passion is so evident.”


Meet Anti-Diet Mama

Hi, I’m Sammie.

I’m a Registered Dietitian with a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition with over ten years of experience in individual counseling, public health, group coaching, and program development. I understand the pressures of conforming to societal ideals. I've been there – working out excessively, restricting food, and never truly happy with my body, even at its smallest. Through my own journey and over a decade of experience, I've crafted a program that not only works but offers flexibility, freedom from shame, and a life without body hatred. It's time to simplify your health journey, find relief, and live authentically.

What are you waiting for?

As mothers, our mission is clear – to model a healthy relationship with food and body for our children.

Together, we will empower the next generation to be resilient against diet culture, fostering body appreciation, healthful confidence, and the freedom to live their best lives.