Why Intuitive Eating?


You might be wondering, why am I so passionate about intuitive eating? In a world saturated with diets promising quick fixes and dramatic transformations, the concept of intuitive eating might not grab your attention as fiercely. But let me tell you, it holds the key to a healthier and more sustainable way of living – and that's what truly matters.

First things first – let's address the elephant in the room. Intuitive eating is not a diet. It's not a fad, it's not a trend, and it's not about chasing after the latest health craze. The truth is, intuitive eating has been around for a while, grounded in self-care and backed by scientific understanding of our bodies and minds. So, why am I championing this approach? Because it just makes sense, plain and simple.

Before we delve deeper, let's ask ourselves, "Why steer away from diets?" The hard truth is that diets, especially the flashy fad diets like Keto, Paleo, and Whole 30, simply don't deliver on their grand promises. Sure, the before-and-after pictures look impressive, showcasing remarkable transformations in a short span. But beneath the surface lies a harsh reality – these results are often short-lived. The restrictive nature of these diets is fundamentally unsustainable in the long run. We end up trapped in a vicious cycle of restriction, overindulgence, guilt, and then starting all over again.

Research has spoken – less than 5% of people who embark on diets are successful in maintaining their weight loss after a year - even less than that after 3 years. The rest, a staggering 95%, often regain the weight they lost and then some. This roller-coaster ride wreaks havoc on our bodies, metabolism, and emotional well-being. It's a cycle that not only fails to bring sustained weight loss but also fosters an unhealthy relationship with food and triggers disordered eating patterns.

Enter intuitive eating (IE). My journey into understanding IE began during my time at the Bariatric Surgery clinic. Early on, I unearthed the hunger scale, explored emotional eating, confronted habitual eating, and dove into the complexities of our relationship with food. These concepts were conspicuously missing from my years of formal education, revealing the gap between what we need to know and what's typically taught.

Intuitive eating isn't about weight loss; it's about dismantling the diet culture's stronghold on our minds. It's about reconnecting with the innate wisdom of our bodies, tuning into hunger and fullness cues, and silencing the noise of external influences. The brilliant minds behind IE, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, define ten principles that capture the essence of this approach:

  1. Reject the Diet Mentality: Bid adieu to the quick fixes and empty promises. Say no to the diet industry's manipulation.

  2. Honor Your Hunger: Embrace the nuanced nature of hunger – it's not just physical, but emotional and biological as well.

  3. Make Peace with Food: Grant yourself unconditional permission to eat all foods without guilt or judgment.

  4. Challenge the Food Police: Identify and challenge the internalized voices that label foods as "good" or "bad."

  5. Discover the Satisfaction Factor: Seek pleasure and satisfaction in eating, making room for foods you truly enjoy.

  6. Feel Your Fullness: Learn to listen to your body's cues, recognizing when you're comfortably satisfied.

  7. Cope with Your Emotions with Kindness: Acknowledge emotional eating and embrace diverse ways to cope with feelings.

  8. Respect Your Body: Shift focus from appearance to appreciating your body's uniqueness and capabilities.

  9. Movement, Feel the Difference: Engage in movement that brings joy and honors your body's needs.

  10. Honor Your Health – Gentle Nutrition: Choose foods that nourish both your body and soul, focusing on what feels good for you.

These principles might seem straightforward, but they hold profound wisdom. The 4th edition of Intuitive Eating, has deepened my understanding of this transformative approach and it’s what I use every day with my clients. It's an ongoing journey of discovery, as I strive to integrate IE into my counseling practice and complement it with guidance on cultivating healthy habits.

The process starts with delving into the essence of intuitive eating. By reconnecting with our body's signals and dismantling diet culture's distortions, we lay the foundation for lasting change. From this place of self-awareness, healthy habits naturally emerge. Of course, embarking on this journey independently is commendable, but with my support and guidance, you can navigate it more smoothly and expediently.

If you want to dive deeper into this 1:1, send me a message so we can set up a time to discuss logistics of our meetings and get you on the schedule. If you aren’t yet ready for 1:1 sessions or they aren’t a financial possibility at this time, but you want to learn more and do this work on your own, I created the Anti Diet Mama course just for you!

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Let's unravel the layers, rediscover our innate wisdom, and embrace a healthier, more balanced way of living.


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