Simplifying Dinner Planning for Busy Moms: A Guide to Fast, Easy, and Balanced Meals

Being a busy mom often means juggling numerous responsibilities, leaving little time for intricate meal planning. For me, throw in a traveling husband and two mood-swingy children, I have less than 5 (interrupted) minutes to prepare a decent meal.  With a little planning and a strategic approach, preparing balanced and wholesome dinners can become a streamlined process, saving time, money, and ensuring a nutritious meal for the family. I’ll be honest - I haven’t always planned for dinners, but this last year with Alex traveling more and me solo-parenting, I NEED to know what I’m doing for dinner, not only for my sanity, but our budget, too! By optimizing the contents of your fridge, freezer, and pantry, and considering your schedule, you can simplify the dinner planning process without compromising on nutritional value or taste.

The key to efficient meal planning begins with taking inventory of food you already have. Start by examining your fridge, freezer, and pantry to identify ingredients that need to be consumed promptly. I literally go through everything and write a list of PROTEINS, VEGETABLES, CARBS, and LEFTOVERS (y’all, if this first step feels overwhelming, trust me that it is SO helpful to know what you have on hand and it will become easier in time… AND maybe it’s time to consider donating food and/or buying less! this process has certainly helped me to simplify!).

Once I see this list in front of me, I *star* the food items that I need to use ASAP and create meals to use up those foods first. For example, this week I had a big container of salsa that was nearing the expiry date. I didn’t have many ideas for what I could use a ton of salsa for – so I searched in google “recipes that use prepared salsa”. Up popped crock pot chicken breast with salsa and taco seasoning - and poof! I had two meals planned for the week - quesadillas with chicken and cheese AND sheet pan nachos with chicken. Another idea would’ve been to freeze it for later and thaw for enchiladas – or, better yet, prep some enchiladas to pop in the freezer for a later date!  

For the rest of your available ingredients, aim to construct well-rounded meals that incorporate a protein, a source of carbohydrates or starch, and a variety of vegetables. Opt for recipes that are simple to prepare and take the least amount of time on evenings packed with activities. For instance, we have swimming lessons on Monday nights and I know we’re going to get home right at dinner time and the kids will be starving and I have 0 time to get food in front of them before a meltdown. Monday nights are always leftovers or snack plates. BOOM - done and done. Reserve more complex or time-consuming dishes for days when you have a bit more breathing room. I like to pick one recipe each week that takes a little more time and I’ll save it for the weekends when I know I’ll have more time. This approach ensures that every dinner is a balanced and satisfying experience for the entire family.

As you plan your meals, keep a running list of the necessary groceries to complement the existing ingredients. This proactive approach helps you avoid last-minute grocery store runs and minimizes the risk of overlooking essential items. With a comprehensive list in hand, you can efficiently shop for the required ingredients, saving both time and effort. So, as I go along meal planning and putting recipes or ideas down for each night, I’ll make sure we have all the ingredients we need, and if we don’t, I’ll turn over the page and start a grocery list! I use (and LOVE) these meal planning notepads from a local small business, Jack and Ella, and asked them for a discount code for you (use this link and code ANTIDIETMAMA for 20% off! - I do not receive commissions on this. The code is available until 12/31/2023).

I love these and see below for their other grocery list I love!

To maintain a clear overview of your weekly meals, consider using a whiteboard or a similar visible surface to document your meal plan. By displaying your plan prominently, not only can you easily recall your dinner ideas, but other family members can also stay informed about the week's menu. On the right side of the board, allocate space for breakfast, lunch, snack, and leftover options, facilitating a holistic approach to meal planning for the entire day. I LOVE this acrylic board that goes right on the side of my fridge and many of my instagram followers have purchased and loved it, as well (thanks for using my affiliate link!). It has the perfect notes section where I can write our other meal/snack ideas for the week (this is super helpful for Alex when he’s home so that he knows what’s ok to grab for a quick lunch). 

These are both used WEEKLY! I love having them. (the grocery list is also from Jack and Ella Paper co.) (also also love having Grams watching over my kitchen).

Balancing the demands of a busy schedule with the need to provide nourishing dinners for your family may seem challenging, but with an organized approach, it can become a manageable task. By leveraging your existing resources, strategizing your meals, creating a practical grocery list, and visually outlining your plan, you can simplify the dinner planning process and ensure that your family enjoys wholesome and delicious meals throughout the week. Embrace these strategies to streamline your meal planning routine, allowing you to savor quality time with your loved ones without compromising on nutrition or taste.


Thanksgiving, but make it Anti-Diet…with kids.


From Mindless to Mindful Eating